Friday 22 August 2008

New Kid on the Blog

Ok, so here we go. I've COMPLETELY revamped my blog, and all vegan diary entries are GONE (cue a sigh of relief from carnivores everywhere). Today my blog is changing into a more informative page(well I guess you'll decide for yourself if it's informative or just plain DROSS) . I will comment on news articles, but ultimately will be giving opinions on headlines and topics of interest to me (fashion, animal rights, politics, veganism- woo woo, music etc).

So expect the first article by next week as I'm jetting off to Majorca tomorrow evening (oh, the sunshine and the cocktails!).

Also, notice an article I wrote a while ago is still up on this page. I thought I might as well keep it up as there is nothing else on the page yet, apart from a BEAUTIFUL picture of yours, truly.

Wednesday 18 June 2008

The War on Terror...what is it all really worth?

Whilst browsing the BBC News website I came across the headline "Woman soldier among Afghan dead". After reading the story ( I was utterly shocked by the statements made by the Defence Secretary Des Browne. He exclaimed "The Taleban are losing in Afghanistan, I know it may not appear like that at the moment, but we are enjoying a degree of success".
I've been against the War on "Terrorism" since war was declared 7 years ago. So far it seems we have made little progress in making 'peace'. I admit I'm no expert on war and the military but I do realise that what is going on thousands of miles from our homes is creating nothing but negative consequences for the world at large.

I know this blog is not related to veganism in any way, but I wish to start branching out on the content provided. So this is my attempt at including politics.

To continue, my main point here is the fact that Des Browne brashfully speaks on behalf of the British people that we are "enjoying a degree of success". Firstly, how dare he presume that we support the war. "We" is a very big word, and it frustrates me that I have no say or control over my supposed support to the Labour party, and the mess they've got the country into. Secondly, how on earth can a war be in any way "enjoyable"?! To me, this word sums up the state of our government. A farce, a circus even. It's all "enjoyable". Somehow, the war on terror is now deemed as a pleasure to be a part of.

Personally, I don't buy it. The article's headline contradicts the so-called success that we are having in the war. A woman and 4 army officers have died in the last 24 hours...and 5 more have died in the past 10 days. To me, this is the total opposite of enjoyable- and what we are experiencing is the tragic loss of those who were brave enough to try and sort out this terrible conflict. We are sacrificing not only our dignity but our loved ones.

Seven years later and there seems little progress in securing peace. It's naive to believe that peace can ever be restored (if we ever had it in the first place). Innocent people from the Uk, America, Afghanistan and many other countries are being killed....but for what? What is the war really worth? And what gives us, (yes, Des Browne I'm including the entire population) the right to defend our security by breaching theirs? I mean to say, in what way is the mass killing that takes place during a war different from the attacks on the World Trade Center? Yes we are trying to prevent terrorism, but how can we expect to eradicate terrorism across the globe when we are using terror itself in violent wars. A total contradiction. And a total mess.

Des Browne...I hope you "enjoyed" my blog.